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Teenage Liberation Handbook

modified 20/04/2024 22:39

Part 1


After reading it almost entirely(didn’t fully read the last parts, where she gives advice about how to improve and educate yourself in different topics) – I think it’s changed me quite a bit. What Grace writes about is stuff that I’ve felt all this time in college – that I’m wasting time, that I could do more on my own. However, there’s little I can do right now after reading it. However, thanks to this book, I’ll think really hard before going to university, and, (most likely – won’t, at least after finishing college)

Thanks to this book, I’ve started doing the things I once loved again(drawing and painting). Maybe indirectly, but it’s pushed me to be better, which I think is really what the book is about. It puts more of an emphasis on “leave school and improve”, while for me it’s “improve as much as possible while in school”.