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MIT 6.170

modified 20/04/2024 22:56

project idea

i wonder if it’s possible to create something like a cms but for concepts. like a no-code thing, where you’ve got blocks for concepts, and you can build your entire app based on concepts by dragging stuff like ‘Like concept’, ‘Friends concept’, ‘Post concept’. you could build a entire system in a week; both, backend and frontend. imagine that. however, i imagine that youd be kinda limited, since you’d essentially have to be tying concepts together, and that’s it? but isn’t this what software is all about? tying concepts together? for every concept, you’d have a bunch of other details too; for instance, for the ‘Like concept’, you’d be able to add additional functionality, such as:

DONE Conceptual design 1

DONE conceptual design 2

The Essence of Software


DONE read more about Daniel Jackson


DONE read chapters 1-5

CANCELLED read chapters 5-7