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How to Read a Book by Mortimer J. Adler

modified 20/04/2024 22:48

Analytical reading

from https://www.artofmanliness.com/living/reading/how-to-read-a-book/

  1. read up on the author. find out about his life, other books and so on, to understand the context in which the book you’re reading has been written in
  2. do a quick skimming: look at the toc, read the introduction, then go through the entire book quickly, just to get a general idea of how it’s structured, what’s the order of the chapters
  3. read the book through, ignoring everything that you don’t understand. write down the stuff you don’t understand, but don’t actually stop to look into it; instead, keep reading, basically quantity over quality at this point. the important thing is to not get stuck on difficulties. understanding even 10% of a hard book is better than 0%.
  4. after you finish, go back to the stuff you didn’t understand, and look into that. try re-reading the book, but slower this time, thinking through everything
  5. answer these questions:
    1. what is the book about, as a whole; summarise book in a sentence.
    2. how it’s being said. try fragmenting; basically, what the book is about, but in more than a sentence
    3. is the book true? are the feelings true to human nature? is it fiction? and so on
    4. what’s the takeaway? how did this book make you be better? what did you learn from it?
  6. ill try applying this system to some books that i read, and will come back and share my thoughts

Finding out what a book is about